Tuesday 5 November 2013

Easy Pagination with PDO in PHP plus Export to Excel Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to make pagination easily with PDO (PHP Data Objects) in PHP. Export to Excel additional feature is also available in this tutorial.
  1. First we will create test database for pagination using below query.
    • --
      -- Below query create PaginationTestDb Database
      CREATE DATABASE  `PaginationTestDb` ;
  2. Now we will create table in PaginationTestDb using below code. More sample data is available in CreateTableandDatasample.sql file which is available in Source Code.
    • CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `statstracker` (
        `SrNo` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `ServerName` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
        `HiMemUti` double NOT NULL,
        `AvgMemUti` double NOT NULL,
        `HiCpuUti` double NOT NULL,
        `AvgCpuUti` double NOT NULL,
        `HiIOPerSec` double NOT NULL,
        `AvgIOPerSec` double NOT NULL,
        `HiDiskUsage` double NOT NULL,
        `AvgDsikUsage` double NOT NULL,
        `EntryBy` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
        `EntryDate` date NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`SrNo`),
        UNIQUE KEY `SrNo` (`SrNo`)
      -- Dumping data for table `statstracker`
      INSERT INTO `statstracker` (`SrNo`, `ServerName`, `HiMemUti`, `AvgMemUti`, `HiCpuUti`, `AvgCpuUti`, `HiIOPerSec`, `AvgIOPerSec`, `HiDiskUsage`, `AvgDsikUsage`, `EntryBy`, `EntryDate`) VALUES
      (1, '', 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-04'),
      (2, '', 98, 96, 97, 90, 97, 94, 98, 90, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (3, '', 95, 90, 92, 89, 93, 92, 94, 88, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (4, '', 97, 97, 93, 88, 94, 92, 93, 93, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (5, '', 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (6, '', 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-04'),
      (7, '', 98, 96, 97, 90, 97, 94, 98, 90, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (8, '', 95, 90, 92, 89, 93, 92, 94, 88, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (9, '', 97, 97, 93, 88, 94, 92, 93, 93, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (10, '', 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (11, '', 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-04'),
      (12, '', 98, 96, 97, 90, 97, 94, 98, 90, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (13, '', 95, 90, 92, 89, 93, 92, 94, 88, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (14, '', 97, 97, 93, 88, 94, 92, 93, 93, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05'),
      (15, '', 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 'furqan.aziz', '2013-11-05');
  3. In this tutorial we have following files and resources. After you have download source code and unzip source, you will create database and table using above queries or using CreateTableandDatasample.sql. then you will put PAGINATIONPDO folder inside htdocs or www root and then test in browser.
    • CreateDatabase.txt contains create test database query.
    • CreateTableandDatasample.sql contains create table query and sample insert data query.
    • index.php is main file which has pagination code.
    • ExportToExcel.php is used to export all data in excel for specific user.
    • img folder contains export to excel PNG file.
    • css folder contains pagination.css file which have pagination style, table style and export to excel position style.
    • css folder contains Extra.css file having more styles Thanks to MIS ALGORITMOS.
  4. Here is index.php file code
    •  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Simple Pagination Demo using PDO Query</title>
              <!-- CSS File -->
          <link href="css/pagination.css" rel="stylesheet">
       // mysql hostname
       $hostname = 'localhost';
       // mysql username
       $username = 'root';
       // mysql password
       $password = '';
       // Database Connection using PDO with try catch method. 
       try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=PaginationTestDb", $username, $password); }
       // In case of error PDO exception will show error message.
       catch(PDOException $e) {    echo $e->getMessage();    }
       // No. of adjacent pages shown on each side
       $adjacents = 2;
       // We will assign variable here for entry By. you can use your variables here.
       $EntryBy = "furqan.aziz";
       // We Will prepare SQL Query
          $STM = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ServerName FROM statstracker WHERE EntryBy = :EntryBy");
       // bind paramenters, Named paramenters alaways start with colon(:)
          $STM->bindParam(':EntryBy', $EntryBy);
       // For Executing prepared statement we will use below function
       // Count no. of records
       $Records = $STM->rowCount();
       // Your File Name will be the same like your php page name which is index.php
       $targetpage = "index.php";
       // Below is setting for no. of records per page.
       $limit = 10; 
       $page = $_GET['page'];
       //First Item to dipaly on this page
        $start = ($page - 1) * $limit;    
       //if no page variable is given, set start to 0
        $start = 0;        
       // Get data using PDO prepare Query.
       $STM2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT `SrNo`, `ServerName`, `HiMemUti`, `AvgMemUti`, `HiCpuUti`, `AvgCpuUti`, `HiIOPerSec`, `AvgIOPerSec`, `HiDiskUsage`, `AvgDsikUsage`, `EntryBy` FROM statstracker WHERE EntryBy = :EntryBy ORDER BY SrNo LIMIT $start, $limit");
       // bind paramenters, Named paramenters alaways start with colon(:)
          $STM2->bindParam(':EntryBy', $EntryBy);
       // For Executing prepared statement we will use below function
       // We will fetch records like this and use foreach loop to show multiple Results later in bottom of the page.
        $STMrecords = $STM2->fetchAll();
       // Setup page variables for display. If no page variable is given, default to 1.
       if ($page == 0) $page = 1;
       //previous page is page - 1     
       $prev = $page - 1;
       //next page is page + 1     
       $next = $page + 1;
       //lastpage is = total Records / items per page, rounded up.      
       $lastpage = ceil($Records/$limit);
       //last page minus 1 
       $lpm1 = $lastpage - 1;      
       //Now we apply our rules and draw the pagination object. We're actually saving the code to a variable in case we want to draw it more than once.
       $pagination = "";
       if($lastpage > 1)
        $pagination .= "<div class='pagination'>";
        //previous button
        if ($page > 1) 
         $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$prev'>Previous</a>";
         $pagination.= "<span class='disabled'>Previous</span>"; 
        if ($lastpage < 7 + ($adjacents * 2)) //not enough pages to bother breaking it up
         for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
          if ($counter == $page)
           $pagination.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
           $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";     
        elseif($lastpage > 5 + ($adjacents * 2)) //enough pages to hide some
         //close to beginning; only hide later pages
         if($page < 1 + ($adjacents * 2))  
          for ($counter = 1; $counter < 4 + ($adjacents * 2); $counter++)
           if ($counter == $page)
            $pagination.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
            $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";     
          $pagination.= "...";
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$lpm1'>$lpm1</a>";
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$lastpage'>$lastpage</a>";  
         //in middle; hide some front and some back
         elseif($lastpage - ($adjacents * 2) > $page && $page > ($adjacents * 2))
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=1'>1</a>";
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=2'>2</a>";
          $pagination.= "...";
          for ($counter = $page - $adjacents; $counter <= $page + $adjacents; $counter++)
           if ($counter == $page)
            $pagination.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
            $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";     
          $pagination.= "...";
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$lpm1'>$lpm1</a>";
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$lastpage'>$lastpage</a>";  
         //close to end; only hide early pages
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=1'>1</a>";
          $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=2'>2</a>";
          $pagination.= "...";
          for ($counter = $lastpage - (2 + ($adjacents * 2)); $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
           if ($counter == $page)
            $pagination.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
            $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";     
        //next button
        if ($page < $counter - 1) 
         $pagination.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$next'>Next</a>";
         $pagination.= "<span class='disabled'>Next</span>";
        $pagination.= "</div>\n";  
       //Below is a start of table in which we will show records using foreach loop.
       echo "<table class='mytableP'>";
       // For Exporting Records to Excel we will send $EntryBy in link and will gate it on ExportToExcel page for stats for this user. 
       echo"<tr><th th colspan=11>Simple Pagination Demo using PDO Quries</div></th></tr>";
       echo"<a href='ExportToExcel.php?val=$EntryBy' target=_blank><img src='img/e2e.png' alt='Export To Excel' border='' class='e2e' /></a>";
       echo"<tr><th>Sr#</th><th>Server</th><th>Hi Memory Utilization</th><th>Avg Memory Utilization</th><th>Hi CPU Utilization</th><th>Avg CPU Utilization</th><th>Hi I/O Utilization</th><th>Avg I/O Utilization</th><th>Hi Disk Usage</th><th>Avg Disk Usage</th><th>By</th></tr>";
          // We use foreach loop here to echo records.
       foreach($STMrecords as $r)
         echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[0] ."</td>";
               echo "<td>" .$r[1] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[2] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[3] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[4] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[5] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[6] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[7] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[8] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[9] ."</td>";
            echo "<td>" .$r[10] ."</td>";
          echo "</tr>";  
       echo "</table>";
       // For showing pagination below the table we will echo $pagination here after </table>. For showing above the table we will echo $pagination before <table>
       echo $pagination;
       // Closing MySQL database connection   
          $dbh = null;
  5. Below is the css Style which is used for pagination.
    • div.pagination {text-align:center;margin:3px;padding:3px;}
      div.pagination a {margin-right:2px;border:1px solid #2C2C2C;text-decoration:none;color:#fff;background:#2C2C2C;padding:2px 5px;}
      div.pagination a:hover,div.pagination a:active {border:1px solid #AAD83E;color:#FFF;background:#AAD83E;}
      div.pagination span.current {margin-right:2px;border:1px solid #AAD83E;font-weight:700;background:#AAD83E;color:#FFF;padding:2px 5px;}
      div.pagination span.disabled {margin-right:2px;border:1px solid #f3f3f3;color:#ccc;padding:2px 5px;}
  6. For table we used below style code
    • .mytableP {border:none;width:100%;color:#666;margin:0;padding:0;}
      .mytableP th {font:bold 11px Calibri,Cambria,Verdana, Arial;color:#FFFFFF;border-right:1px solid #C1DAD7;border-bottom:1px solid #C1DAD7;border-top:1px solid #C1DAD7;letter-spacing:1px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:left;background:#99CC33 repeat;padding:2px 2px 2px 3px;}
      .mytableP td {border-right:1px solid #CCC;border-bottom:1px solid #CCC;border-top:1px solid #CCC;border-left:1px solid #CCC;font:12px Calibri,Cambria,Verdana, Arial;color:#333;padding:2px 2px 2px 3px;}
  7. For showing Export to Excel icon in right bottom of the page.
    • .e2e { position:fixed; bottom:0; right:0;}
For Export to Excel File please check source file and read comments inside. This tutorial is based on phpeasystep tutorial which is written using mysql_query (deprecated function). I used PDO (PHP Data Objects ) and also provide export to excel option for this along with table style. For More Tutorials please visit http://crewow.com/

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